A tattoo is a design people get on their skin, also known to many people as a
form of art. They can be permanent or temporary. A temporary tattoo is on
paper then you place it against dry skin with a wet cloth covering the paper,
Permanent tattoo
you hold it there for about thirty seconds and peel it off. A temporary tattoo is easily washable. A henna tattoo is also temporary but it is hair dye that gets sprayed over a stencil to create the design. A henna tattoo on average will last anywhere from 5 to 10 days.
The word tattoo comes from the Samoan word “tatau”, meaning to strike or mark. No one knows where tattoos originated from, but scientists have found remains of ancient Egyptians with tattoos on their bodies.
Henna tattoo
Temporary tattoo
In order for a tattoo to be permanent, a needle must be dug deep into a person’s skin with ink on it. Permanent tattoos usually take longer to get, depending on the size, detail and color it consists of. Tattoos can be addicting. They are a form of art, people believe that tattoos allow them to express themselves.and can be any color desired. There are black light tattoos that can only be seen under a black light. There are also glow in the dark tattoos that can only be seen when in the dark. Anyone over the age of 18 can get a tattoo where ever they would like on their body.
There are health risks when getting a tattoo. You could get tuberculosis, HIV, and hepatitis B and C. In order to stay clear of these health risks tattoo artists just need to keep their needles clean by sterilizing them with the proper equipment.
Tattoos can be painful, some areas more then others. This form of art on the body makes people's style different, and unique. Most tattoos represent the person in some way
September 11th 2001, a morning New Yorkers believed was just another ordinary morning. Employers and employees were working and children were at school. No one would have ever imagined that this would be a morning that would make history. September 11th 2001 became a day the world would remember and honor forever. Quickly we learned as a country that Islam’s Al Qaeda attacks would drastically change our nation permanently, in numerous different ways.
Osama Bin Ladin is the leader of Al Qaeda. Bin Ladin looked to many of Islam’s people for help with his plan to terrorize the United States. Al Qaeda spent 400,000 to 500,000 dollars in order to perform their horrific, terrorist operation. They trained and gathered information. They figured out what our strengths and what our weaknesses were. Al Qaeda carefully, thoughtfully, and thoroughly planned a gruesome attack because they felt threatened by the U.S. Islam Saw us as a threat to their own existence. They didn’t agree with the U.S getting involved in places such as the Middle East.
Osama Bin Laden
On the morning of September 11th 2001, 19 Al Qaeda hijackers took over four planes. American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into the first World Trade Center, followed by United Airlines Flight 175. Minutes later the second plane went smashing into the second World Trade Center. The terrorist attack was then continued by hijacking American Airlines Flight 77 and flying it into the Pentagon. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93 was also hijacked. This operation left our nation in a state of shock.
Before any person could understand what was going on and why, September 11th 2001 became a day that will forever be remembered in history. Al Qaeda’s attacks were meant to hurt our business system, military, and government. An estimated 2,973 people were killed in the attacks. The fires burned at ground zero (where the Twin Towers once stood) for 99 days. On May 1st 2011, the United States got revenge on Osama by killing him.
Before attacks
After attacks
Though it was such a tragic day it brought our country together. Together we found and killed Osama Bin Laden on May 1st, 2011. 9/11 will always be a sad memory, to honor the victims ground zero was made into a memorial.