Energy drinks are suppose to give you a boost of energy. The energy comes from all the sugar and caffeine that is in them. There is a variety of stimulants and vitamins in energy drinks, and that is also where the energy comes from. Energy drinks date back to the 1920's. They were originally used to help hospital patients recover, by the 80's it was promoted as a drink that gives you energy.
Many physiological and psychological effects have been attributed to energy drinks and their ingredients. Studies have shown significant improvements in mental and cognitive performances along with increased alertness. Excess consumption of energy drinks may make you feel euphoria, agitated irritable and can cause anxiety and insomnia. Tests have also shown that energy drinks increase upper body muscle endurance.
Consumption of a single energy drink will not lead to excessive caffeine intake; however, consumption of two or more drinks in a single day can. Consumption of two or more energy drinks a day cause sleeplesness, increased urination, and abnormal heart rhythms.
Health experts say caffeine prevents sleepiness and delays the feeling of drunkenness normally experienced when drinking alcohol, causing some people to continue drinking after they normally would have stopped. Mixing energy drinks with alcohol can cause severe dehydration.
Energy drinks do have their down sides and can get addicting, but drinking them every once in a while is not bad for you.